Sunday, March 11, 2007

It's Finally Finished and Up

"Deb", I said, as I was coming up from the basement into the 'Dungeon' carrying the project I described in a previous blog, "I'm ready to start hanging this and if you want to come down and 'SUPERVISE' my measuring, feel free." "Don't even think of starting without me." I heard her say as she hauled ass from the living room, "You' know you can't read a tape measure and you'll have it hung cockeyed and they're be holes all over the wall except where they're suppose to be. Don't you remember what happened when you put that dresser together?"
"You're so full of shiiiiiiiiit." I said softly. "What did you say, Jim?" She yelled back. "I said, you're right, I'll have to admit." I said, please with my quick comeback. "Hurry up, golf is on in twenty minutes. and I want to watch the final round, have something to eat and kick back. Then I'll finish up taking the Christmas lights down like you wanted. What are you going to do today?" Her response frighten me when I heard her say, "Probably just help you clean my car or just rest." Thinking fast on my feet, I said "Just rest and enjoy the day, Hon, I'll take care of EVERYTHING." After measuring a couple of times, the wall hanging went up nicely and looked good, or as I always say, good enough for who it's for. She filled it with plants, stood back and and said, "Nice job, I'll think of something else you can make me." How lucky can one guy be?
The day was beautiful and I was finally able to get outside and do some of the outside tasks I've been putting off because of the cold weather. Finally all the Christmas lights and decorations are off the house and put away and with Debbie off my back for a few hours, I managed to catch 40 winks in my recliner while she was busying herself upstairs working on a poster for her classroom. "What are you making Deb, a flag?", I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "It's a poster of The Cat In The Hat." she beamed, as she rolled up another piece of paper and glued it on cardboard. "Looks like a flag to me." I said and grabbed bag of chips and retreated to the 'Dungeon' for a golf update and a little more shut eye. Damn, I love the weekends.


Mona said...

No wonder we never see you two any busy little CRAFTERS!

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

I love both projects: your and Deb's!

Unknown said...

Deb's in the know, It's Dr. Seuss's 50th anniversary!

Mona said...

The very BEST part about these conversations between Deb and Jim that we read in these blogs, is that they are so authentic! Been listening to them for about 38 years and they are still as entertaining as always.