Thursday, February 8, 2007

Some Say Blogging Is Gay

Most of you who know me, know that my neighborhood buddies from the Hood in Detroit of 50+ years and I still get together from time to time and get in several rounds of golf each year even though we all live in different parts of the state. One trip, being the 'Annual Up North Blowout' is the best. Even though it takes several emails and phone calls to get a date that is suitable for everyone, we all seem to adjust our schedules to go on this one. We golf, party and spend a shiiiiiit load of cash, but we have a great time and the laughter is endless. We even have a 'Death Flask' (pictured resting in the skull) which we religiously take a pull from prior to every game, to celebrate our long friendship and mainly the fact that all of us ARE STILL WARMER THAN DIRT.
Being the good Parkman Brother that I am (our grade school was Parkman Elementary) I sent the bsfromje address to my Bros and the responses I received were anything but complimentary. One said it was a Gay Thang and I need to Man Up. They also said I probably had a spot on My Space as well, and the other statements I dare not even print. But, what do I care? Hell NO! I've been tearing them up in my other column, 'Shitter Talk with The Ball' for a couple of years. and I guess paybacks are hell. Of course, that is written only for the Parkman Brother peruse. They can hoot on me for 'blogging' all they want, cause I'll still be taking their cash at the end of every round. This year however, the wagers will be going up and I'll be coming home with a fatter wallet than before. I still love those guys, in a manly way of course.


cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

I love your new pofile pic! And I love your blog even more than "Dad's Newsletter"!!

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

That's "profile"...

Karen said...

Out of all the gay guys I know, your the least gayest one...LMAO

Anonymous said...

Great work.