Saturday, January 20, 2007

Be Careful What You Wish For

In my last post, I mentioned how ecstatic I was about being off this weekend, lounging around, watching 'The Games' on the tube while I munched my favorite snacks and just plain kick my old ass back and enjoy the weekend as a weekend should be enjoyed. I also foolishly said that I could probably handle 'one' day of overtime this weekend. WELL GUESS WHAT? On my way into work on Friday, my cell phone rang and it was another driver telling me that he wouldn't be into work today because his Grandma just passed away. He asked me to tell our boss a couple of things for him. I gave him my condolences, gave the boss the message and was instantly told that I have been scheduled to work Saturday in this guy's place and also possibly Sunday as well. In just a matter of minutes I went from being extremely happy, to being overly pissed off. Not only was I going to give Jennifer and Eddie a hand moving on Saturday, but I had some well deserved kick'n back to do. Jennifer & Eddie had rented a house in town and Saturday was moving day. I told them that I couldn't lift anything heavy, but would be there to lend my 'Supervisory Skills', until I had to leave for work.

Anyway, this morning Deb and I were crashed out big time and I was awakened around 9:00 a.m. to Jennifer standing in our bedroom. She wanted to borrow the Jeep for a little more moving room. I knew I never should have given her a key. Deb got up and I went back to bed, going over to the new place after a couple more hours sleep. I took my camera with me to take a picture of Jennifer and Eddie's new digs. I think with a little outside work, it could be quite cute.

Now the big news. I'm off tomorrow and it's GAME DAY. What to watch first, football or golf? Golf or football? Wait, I have picture in picture, so I can catch it all at the same time. I guess I'll just have to see how the afternoon plays out. All I know is, I'm not doing sheeeeeeeeeeet.


Mona said...

PS. I heard there is some furniture that you need to put together!

Unknown said...

Love jens new place! Is that in Eaton Rapids? The city is really growing up! :)

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

Hahahahahahaha! Uncle Jim you are too funny!